Publishing Management for Book Publishers
We keep your data organized and safe,
so you can keep focus on your books.
Organize your data
We give you a simple way to structure and access your metadata and files for each title and all its editions.
Share your data
We help you pack and send your titles’ metadata and files to third parties, e.g. book streaming services, libraries and external collaborators.
Tell stories with your data
We automate your production workflows for audiobooks and ebooks by streamlining your metadata and files.
Nightingale is a highly specialized platform with a simple user interface built for all aspects of data management for book publishers.
We have proven that keeping your data clean and organized is a short cut to
simplify your publishing workflows
collaborate effeciently with your team and freelancers
engage in meaningful conversations with your authors and partners
future-proofing the most important assets of every publishing house: your books.
With Nightingale as your publishing management platform, we will show you how to do the same.
The Key Elements
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Stay tuned! We re just getting started.
The Nightingale team
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